Version 1.1.0

workshop: PCB Design for Crypto

Implementing strong cryptography in hardware


Our degree of data control depends on cryptography among other things. While software packages like WolfSSL, OpenSSL, TinyCrypt, and Mbed TLS have flourished, hardware parts have not. The few vendors with hardware cryptography offer circuits lacking in some way, and by means of research we try to arrive at an optimal arrangement for a given application.

Individuals' degree of data control depends on cryptography among other things. While software packages have flourished, hardware parts have not. We consider the meager offering by reviewing secure elements from:

  • Atmel and Microchip (lack Koblitz elliptic curves)

  • STMicroelectronics (integrate a useless MCU)

  • Nordic Semiconductor (integrating unwanted RF)

  • Gemalto M2M (only Java Card accessible, nonconsumer)

  • NXP (no offering?)

  • TI (no offering?)

Hands on


This is a hands on workshop, so please bring a portable computer of any kind with one or more free USB ports. Be able to understand German, unless all German speakers yield to another (French, English, or Spanish) language.

If you have one or more USB micro cables and one or more USB mini cables, please bring them for yourself and your neighbors. We have a limited number on loan.


Some have asked about the PCB printer we might have on site, but unfortunately consumable materials (substrate, nozzles, ink, and solder) has not arrived in time to make this possible.

You may still come with your own hardware designs and we'll inspect and discuss them! Write pcbguy a-t encambio d-ot com for details.


Day: 2017-10-22
Start time: 10:45
Duration: 04:00
Room: Technisches Theater

Language: de



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