The nets have changed. Edward Snowden proofed that intelligence agencies all over the world have much more intrest in our data than we have expected until then. The most imprinting tecnical improvement of our times is not anymore just a peaceful tool to spread knowledge, collaboration and socialize - but also one of many weapons in the "war agains terror". Data is saved and analysed extensively. Everyone is surveilled without cause, without a proper possibility to defend. Not even our Government is save from the collecting mania of foreign services and remains powerless and weak-willed in front of our "friends".
Digital selfdefence as foundation to protect privacy is more and more a topic that concerns general public. Not just politicians and people in sensitive positions have to "hide something". Huge amounts of sensible data are exchanged e.g. in between authorities, lawiers, tax inspectors and physicians. Metadata in these cases are often not protected at all. How is it possible to ensure secured communication in the digital age? Are we able to communicate safely in the internet anymore? Is the internet broken? Can we save it or do we have to build a new? And if so, how? How shall we react on surveillance by foreign services? What do politicians suggest? What new technologies and tools are necessary? With all of this and related topics we deal on the 11th Symposium Datenspuren, organized by the Chaos Computer Club Dresden on 13th to 14th of September 2014 in Dresden.
We call you up to share your knowledge! We seek your technical, scientific or artistic contribution for topics related to privacy, data security and data protection.