Version 20180922

Workshop: live coding music

Use SonicPi to make your crowd dance!


Hands on keyboards: we'll code some music and give SonicPi a try. The workshop is a short but never-to-be-forgotten practical introduction to the principles of live coding. Bring your device and headphones.

Hands on keyboards: we'll code some music and give the software SonicPi a try. The workshop is a short but never-to-be-forgotten practical introduction to the principles of live coding. It's open for everyone*.

>> Bring a device that is able to run SonicPi[0] and headphones that can be connected to it. (Also useful: some keyboard and a screen. If included, a laptop is fine.) Bonus points: install SonicPi in advance![1] It's also okay just to watch, but, obviously, you'd miss the fun.

>> NOTHING TO HIDE >> Live coding is about ultimate disclosure. Let the audience look behind the scenes and follow every character while you are typing it! Sounds stressful? Kind of. But mistakes are human. A lesson in error culture.

>> IN THE MATTER OF OUR SECURITY >> There is no other opportunity to securely try and catch a base drop.

>> THERE AIN'T NO PROBLEM >>The world is a mess. But live coding is about happiness. We will celebrate, make great music (at least sounds), and forget what we could have coded in the meantime. <3 It is a playful activity, one might learn something.

(*) No matter if you are not yet used to coding at all or a professional (but probably bored?) software developer. We'll start with the basics, get insane later, and known concepts might be come to use in new fashion. Only requirements: interest in sound of any kind; patience.

(In case you're already into live coding OR SonicPi: let's do this together, join, and write me a message: hejn at riseup dot net.)

[0] official page:
[1] Workshop material: